Folk remedies to get rid of warts

Few people know what a papilloma is, but when they say warts it is immediately clear what to discuss. For many, warts are disgusting because they are associated with something dirty and not pretty. How to get rid of warts is of interest to all people with this defect. This is not at all odd, as they sometimes interfere with wearing shoes, pants or short skirts. A modern person is not ready to deny himself such mundane things, so he tries to remove warts at home.

Folk remedies

Recipes for folk remedies for warts

Externally, papillomas are seals on the skin, but it should be remembered that there is not always a lack of hygiene before the appearance of a neoplasm.

These benign tumors are caused by the papilloma virus diagnosed in one in three people on the planet today.

Modern medicine does not know how to treat a virus, but there are numerous ways to reduce a wart - a characteristic symptom of this disease.

If you decide to get rid of a wart with folk remedies, you should be prepared to eliminate only one of the symptoms, not affecting the virus itself, the focus of which is located in the deep layers of the skin. You are likely to encounter papilloma again after some time, but in a different area of ​​the skin.

If this result suits you, you can test one of the traditional healers' treatment methods. The best in the fight against skin growths have proven themselves:

  • salicylic acid;
  • celandine;
  • iodine;
  • garlic;
  • vinegar.

Each of these products that we know from our daily lives could not have imagined that garlic could kill a virus in the skin and vinegar could burn a neoplasm layer by layer. Traditional medicine is full of many secrets of getting rid of warts, and sometimes they give results much faster than drugs bought at the pharmacy.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is very often used in removing warts because it does an excellent job with its mission.

For the first time, salicylic acid was extracted from willow bark, then aspirin and acetyllic acid, which have excellent antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects, were synthesized.

Topical application of salicylic acid helps suppress sweat glands and reduce inflammation. One of the most common causes of papilloma virus activation and relapse is simply increased sweating. If you wipe the inflamed area, you can remove the warts in a few weeks.

salicylic acid for warts

You can clean the warts on your hands with a compress, you need to moisten a cotton swab in salicylic acid solution and apply it to the skin surface overnight. In the morning, the compress is removed and the wart is washed off with warm water.

How to clean a wart with salicylic acid, your doctor can give you more detailed information. It is a very aggressive product that can burn healthy skin, so it is best to consult a dermatologist before using it. In addition, hypersensitive individuals may develop an allergy to some of the ingredients of the drug, which will worsen the problem.

In pharmacies, potential patients are also offered an ointment, this is a gentler way to get rid of a wart at home. It can be used even for children over 2 years old. It is enough to apply a small amount of ointment to the neoplasm and cover with a cotton swab from above, wrap it with a film overnight.

Even doctors recommend using ointment after surgical removal of skin growths. Thanks to its active ingredients, the drug is able to restore the integrity of the skin and often remove scars from minimally invasive procedures and surgical treatment.


Our great-grandmothers knew how to get rid of warts. They successfully addressed any skin imperfections with celandine.

This herb is toxic and regular use or internal use can cause the body to become seriously intoxicated. The herb contains more than 20 toxic ingredients, but if used correctly, you can reap great benefits, especially if the question is how to get rid of warts.

The active ingredients that make up the plant affect the neoplasm at the cellular level, gradually erode growth, and also do not affect healthy nearby tissues.

There are several ways to quickly remove warts at home using celandine:

Fresh juice
  • is ​​used 4 times a day. It should be applied to the area of ​​formation, as a rule, 3 weeks of lubrication with water is enough for the wart to initially turn black and then completely disappear. Freshly squeezed juice from the stem of the plant can be mixed with glycerin. This will make it possible to use the liquid for a long time. The juice from the sap can only be used once, but if you squeeze it into a glass it will spoil and lose its healing properties within a few hours. It should be noted that this method of wart removal is also effective in combating eczema, acne, psoriasis and dermatitis;
  • TheUse of celandine for warts
  • celandine extract can be prepared by yourself or purchased ready-made. For preparation, you need to mix freshly squeezed water from the stem with alcohol or vodka. The calculation is made 50 ml of juice 100 g of vodka. The tool is recommended to insist for two weeks in a dark place, and after that apply to the skin;
  • If you don't know how to get rid of a wart, you can use a celandine-based ointment recipe. This remedy is effective for massive skin lesions, even with prolonged use, it does not cause side effects. Before removing a wart at home, you need to cook lard. It is heated over low heat until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Celandine juice, a handful of dried wormwood is added to this mass and boiled over low heat until the mass turns yellow. It is then applied as a compress to the affected area after cooling to room temperature. Keep the compress for at least 3 hours. The best time to do therapy is at bedtime.

It is very important not to grease more than 5 warts at a time. The load on the body and skin increases significantly, the effect of toxic substances contained in the juice increases, and side effects are possible.

If you notice a severe rash on your skin after trying to get rid of a wart at home with Celandine, consult a doctor immediately, you may have a personal intolerance to this herb or you have overdosed.


There is another way to get rid of warts at home. For this purpose, ordinary garlic is suitable. This is hardly surprising because it is not only a spice but also a powerful antiviral agent.

garlic to treat warts

Garlic is very actively used in the fight against viral respiratory diseases, why not test its strength in the fight against papilloma?

It is very easy to remove a garlic wart at home, for this you just need to grind the product on a grater and apply the oatmeal to the growth for 25 minutes. This time is enough for the active ingredients of garlic to begin to destroy skin cells that have started to mutate with the effect of HPV.

To remove warts on the hands, but directly on the fingers, you can cut the garlic in half and attach the papilloma in the middle. Some healers recommend placing a particle of banana peel on top of it. It enhances the phytocidal effect of garlic and supports the rapid destruction of affected cells in the skin.

Do not keep garlic and oatmeal on your skin for more than 30 minutes, there is a possibility of severe burns. The bubble on the skin of the garlic disappears for a very long time and this may cause additional discomfort to the patient.

You can prepare products for internal use to remove warts with garlic. It is known that the reason for the activation of the virus is the insufficient resistance of the leukocytes against the virus cells. To increase the immune forces in the body, you can use milk and garlic decoction simultaneously with external compresses. At first glance, these incompatible products seem to have a dramatic effect. Chop the garlic and pour milk over it, cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Then strain the liquid and drink 50 grams each before eating. You can remove warts by using an infusion of lemon peel, garlic, and ginger. The products are crushed and mixed with each other. Consume 1 tablespoon three times a day after meals when they leave the water with the oatmeal.


iodine to treat warts

The easiest way to get rid of wart at home is to apply iodine. This medicine can be found in every person's medicine cabinet.

Before removing the wart, you need to soften the skin, it is best to steam it in a warm soda bath. Iodine is applied not only to the neoplasm, but also to the nearby skin, this will reduce the likelihood of relapse. When applied regularly, iodine helps to remove warts from legs, arms and other parts of the body within three weeks after application.

It is very important not to overuse this liquid because you can get burned as with garlic.


Describes many folk recipes for how to get rid of a wart quickly, but vinegar-based options for getting rid of wart quickly have proven themselves particularly well. This is a method of treating a skin growth that anyone can use.

If you have warts and don't know how to get rid of them with vinegar, follow the instructions below:

  1. Apply apple cider vinegar or grape cider vinegar to a small cloth and apply it to the affected area and wrap the compress with cling film;
  2. After 2 hours, remove the compress and wipe the skin with an antiseptic;
  3. A new compress is applied before going to bed in the evening, but it consists of already crushed household soap and vinegar;
  4. Remove the compress in the morning and immediately apply a warm bath to the affected area.

According to statistics, this type of treatment allows you to remove warts on both the finger and large areas of the body.

When you think about how you can clear warts yourself, you are already putting yourself in danger because papillomas often turn into a malignant tumor and traditional medicine is powerless in the fight against cancer. You should not underestimate your health so much, if a wart hurts you, grows in size, or just prevents you from wearing your favorite clothes, go to the doctor, he will only tell you how to get rid of warts forever without causing significant harm to your health.